Monday, October 13, 2008

We are Married!!!!

We had an amazing wedding even though it rained the entire day and caused us to move the ceremony to the country club at the last minute. We want to thank everyone who helped us coordinate the move and shuttled people back and forth to the club. We wish that we had more time to spend with everyone. We know many of you traveled to see us and hope that you all had a great time.

A special thank you to all of you who have donated to Fraser. You have raised over $12,000 and they are completely overwhelmed with appreciation for all the generous friends and family that we have. Aaron and I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing group of friends and family and fortunate that we get to share that with an organization such as Fraser!

We know that a few of you have asked if it's too late to donate....... it's never too late to donate!! Thank you for continuing to think of Fraser.

We hope to see you all soon in the upcoming conferences!!
The Roses